Life on the Edge Game - Game Creation

Our interdisciplinary faculty team, consisting of experts from biological science, design, educational technology, computer science, and music, collaborated to develop and implement an innovative educational game. This unique blend of disciplines was instrumental in enhancing learner engagement. Our project was conceived as a project built by students and faculty for students and faculty.  One of the key aspects was including students heavily in the design of the game, and a total of 41 individuals were involved in the project: 28 undergraduate students, 2 graduate students, and 11 professors.

The game, developed through an iterative design process that involved continuous refinement based on user feedback, implementation, and evaluation, has been successfully integrated into diverse biology course contexts and shared widely with the educational community. The development involved active participation from students at both undergraduate and graduate levels, fostering a rich, collaborative learning environment.

To read more about the creation of the game prototype and the game itself, please refer to the sources below: